Public consultation on WKCD Conceptual Plans nears as
Consultation Panel discusses arrangements for Stage 2 PE exercise
On June 28 the Consultation Panel of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (the Authority) met to discuss the proposed arrangements for the Stage 2 Public Engagement (PE) exercise for the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD). During the meeting, Panel members gave constructive views on the use of new media, development of educational tool kits, exhibition venues, and the format of the consultation exercise.
The objectives of the Stage 2 PE exercise are:
to collect public views on the three Conceptual Plans, which will serve as a useful reference for the Authority in selecting the preferred option;
to understand the public preferences for individual features of each Plan, which may be incorporated into the selected Conceptual Plan Option if considered appropriate by the Authority; and
to collect views on how the three Conceptual Plans have incorporated the comments received during the Stage 1 PE exercise.
The Stage 2 PE exercise focuses on the master planning and land use of the WKCD as a whole, rather than the design of individual buildings within the district. It will be launched in August 2010, lasting for three months up to November 2010. It will feature a roving exhibition across the territory, guided tours and forums. Information and questionnaires will be distributed throughout the engagement, and interested parties may provide their feedback by attending forums and via various online channels, including the Authority’s website and a facebook group.
The Authority is now conducting preliminary assessment for the Conceptual Plans Options in terms of their technical feasibility and compliance with statutory requirements, while the Conceptual Plan Consultants are finalizing the detailed models, animation and explanatory videos for Stage 2 PE exercise.