
From the Consultation Panel Chairman

Professor Stephen Cheung, Chairman of the Consultation Panel was impressed by the enthusiastic response to the public engagement exercise so far, which has seen good attendance figures and substantial feedback to the questionnaires distributed to the public and collected online.

"The West Kowloon Cultural District Authority has received over 1,500 responses to our questionnaires thus far, and that's over just seven weeks since the PE exercise began. Also, attendees at the two public forums we have held so far have been very eager to share their views and experiences with us. They have been providing us with a lot of innovative ideas, which is exactly what we need to ensure that Hong Kong can have the best arts and cultural district possible," said Professor Cheung.

"We are looking forward to having even more feedback from the public on West Kowloon Cultural District during the coming forums and meetings, and we urge everyone who is interested in this project to participate," he added.

The Authority has appointed Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Public Policy Research Institute to analyse and report on the views collected during the Stage 1 Public Engagement Exercise. They will then submit a comprehensive report to the Authority after the end of all public engagement sessions, which will be made public.

"The three Conceptual Plan Consultants that have been appointed by the Authority attended all the public engagement events. They are required to report on how they have incorporated the views of the public and stakeholder groups when they present their options next year," Professor Cheung added. "The PPRI's report will help demonstrate how members of the public and stakeholder groups are shaping the future of West Kowloon Cultural District."


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